Monday, February 28, 2011

Customize Ur Own Football Helmet

The eyes move rapidly

time runs slowly and fight

Against this desire to happen,

news that arrives and announces that

What the nervousness in my body

He needs to relax.

social networks closer I

order to resolve my doubts

Feels like that time

Where the only way to know the news

via e

And that on receipt

I filled a feeling of butterflies in the stomach

As if the letter was a national holiday.

I do not know, I do not understand, I'm confused

the next step is diffuse

do not know if it's on the other
side is pleasant

This time I settle

This time I want to know that where floor

is safe ground and it takes me somewhere

And that place is where you find peace

And the joy that I come so long looking.

Now all I have left, stared at the phone.

El Abuelo.


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