How true, when you discover that there are obstacles that you currently take green gray, but after time passes, they just make you laugh.
And so it is with many things. But it is also true that because of these obstacles is that each of us is learning and maturing, and thanks to them, then do not we go back and actually allows us to help others who may find milder way.
The point is, that after a day where many Mom held (in my case I do that day and always) I began to appreciate all these things we have and that cost us work to overcome, but over time it leaves a good taste, and everything starts from the delivery and how your mom taught you to cope with difficult life situations.
So today I have no words to thank all the good and bad that has left me in the way and despite all the adversities that we lived, we are walking together and holding hands, thanks Mom for letting me be who I am and teach me to defend him.
My heart is pounding!
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