A talk philosophy of India
Wednesday 19:00 hs.
Hatha Yoga
-Monday and Thursday 19:00 pm.
-Tuesday and Friday 9:00 am
The Inbound Yoga System objectives are multiple because of its ability to meet the varied needs of its practitioners. From those that could be considered superficial aspirations as a healthy body and beautiful, to answer questions from a deeper area of \u200b\u200bour existence. Condense these multiple goals in three most important:
a) To satisfy our human needs (improving conditions for our health, family relations, etc.).
b) To develop in us the need for transcendence in terms of the real and immutable that often seems to be asleep under different points of view unnecessary and frustrating for our existence.
c) Respond to questions depths of our existence: Who am I? What am I doing in this world? Where did I come? Where do I go? What is the true meaning of my life?, And creating new ones in a way that goes beyond mere theoretical exposition, and more can be discovered by students through their own practice and experience.
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