Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How Do You Set Glow Clock

Sixth meeting of the year Walk for peace and universal love

On Saturday 27 November at the sixth Govinda Om Rasa Yatra, walk for peace and universal love. This time, the streets of San Justo, ending the party at our yoga center where Padmanabha Maharaj gave a talk on the Science of Self-realization.
finally served a vegetarian meal while carrying out the events: Surya in vivo (Hardcore-punk conscious) and a projection on this ancient festival in Jagannatha Puri, India.

Monday, November 15, 2010

My Scalp Have Many Small Wart

Walk for peace and universal love
"Invite to infinity down to your heart"

* Lecture by Maharaj BVPadmanabha
* Vegetarian Feast
* Live music

Saturday, 27 November 17:00

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Milena Velba And Santa Cluas

Mountain Breton hunting

starts new season of thoroughbred pony ride Breton Mountain, named Pairo, owned by the army of Chile, located in the breeding season in the sixth region, municipality of Pichidegua. Intersados \u200b\u200bcontact email perros.caza

Monday, August 30, 2010

Masterbation Sugestion

Rasa Yatra 2010

Time and Activity
-January and February

A talk philosophy of India

Wednesday 19:00 hs.

Hatha Yoga

-Monday and Thursday 19:00 pm.

-Tuesday and Friday 9:00 am


The Inbound Yoga System objectives are multiple because of its ability to meet the varied needs of its practitioners. From those that could be considered superficial aspirations as a healthy body and beautiful, to answer questions from a deeper area of \u200b\u200bour existence. Condense these multiple goals in three most important:

a) To satisfy our human needs (improving conditions for our health, family relations, etc.).

b) To develop in us the need for transcendence in terms of the real and immutable that often seems to be asleep under different points of view unnecessary and frustrating for our existence.

c) Respond to questions depths of our existence: Who am I? What am I doing in this world? Where did I come? Where do I go? What is the true meaning of my life?, And creating new ones in a way that goes beyond mere theoretical exposition, and more can be discovered by students through their own practice and experience.

Xbox Live Vision On Oovoo

Well, gentlemen, and hunting season is over, here I leave some landscapes captured during the games ... . now comes the season of rodeos ..

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Temporary License Expired Bar

Some landscapes Classifieds

Section dedicated to publishing classified ads, either friends, acquaintances, or people related to the topics covered in the blog, and prior contact is maintained, either forums or other activities, not published notices strangers, no fees are charged.

In this section only publish ads from individuals who sell or barter, with proof of ownership or legal control of the property, be it movable or immovable.

Atte .- Rubén Silva M.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Milena Verlba 2010 Gallery

time invading
thought turns gray and cloudy for many days without being present
silence invaded the room and no words came.

The disease took my body
pain that crossed my belly
temperature above 49 º
sweat soaking my reason
joint pain that does not allow me to even walk;
lot of work, a lot of pressure
too delivery
but only to fight the small flame of hope is not extinguished
an imminent change
embracing my body and brings it to places unknown. Absent

and sitante
to capture something and leave something that makes fingerprint
something that forces me back my
something to remind me that my feet touch the floor. Absent

but with my hands on the keyboard again ...

El Abuelo.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Nicotine Lozenges Tooth Decay Pdf

Of Partridge with Rupert

Well, here's some pictures of the outputs of this weekend was partridge day with my dog \u200b\u200bRupert, behaved great, guided, paused, and picked up ....

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Perry The Platypus Nike Sneakers

First outing of the season

Among the work undertaken to perform on this weekend, the activities of the house, watering the talaje and endless things to do, as some time we could do to get up early on Sunday and go out and find the steps of doves on the banks of a river, was nothing more than an outlet for recognition without any expectations, just to feel again the air at dawn, see a couple of birds and maybe, just maybe, see one another duck floating around, and we do not take road towards settlement of some ducks, as I said before, just went to look for steps of doves, and a few weeks ago were large flocks passing through the area.

I got up at 05:30 AM old time, ie 4:30 a.m. current time The idea was to be installed before dawn to be aware of the steps, but finally, my partner was Orlando, alias Gaty, who already had mentioned before in another publication.

Short Story, doves spent one another at high altitude, not where they went, but no longer pass these flocks, but to our surprise, as we pass one another duck, having as a result of the following:

Orlando 1 duck pallet

Ruben: 1 duck 1 duck
real mattresses (I) + 1 that fell into the strong current and could not recover
1 dove (of the few that passed)

The photographs were to get home ...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Xbox 360 Usb To Ethernet Adapter

Pichidegua Earthquake - Updated with strong aftershocks March

Google Earth image, in red some of the locations of the epicenters.

17:23 hrs, 4.7 degrees, the epicenter of the Bio-Bio region
16:48, 5.1 degrees, the epicenter Sixth Region

Updated 3/12/2010 13:55 pm:
few minutes ago with a new earthquake occurred epicenter in the sixth region, magnitude 5.9 degrees, preliminarily estimated at 5.7 degrees.

Updated 3/12/2010 13:40 pm:
Today we are 12 replicates, 9 with its epicenter in the sixth region, 4.7 degrees milder and stronger 5 degrees, the latter was centered in the metropolitan region 5.1 degrees, but experts admit that there may be a reply to reach up to 7.8 degrees, I'm still in my previous approach, the stored energy is the same, and is Discip gradually, by good fortune for us, without being an expert, I believe and hope that does not increase the intensity earthquakes.

At 17:15 hrs today, about new replica, 5.8 degrees, centered in the sixth region.

Updated: Today
until approximately 14:30 hrs, the country has been shaken by strong aftershocks occurred on February 27, according to information from U.S. agencies in the day, year March 11 2010, these have been about 17 aftershocks, of which 13 have been the sixth region as the epicenter of our country, of which the lowest intensity was of 4.9 degrees and the highest intensity is between 6.9 and 7.2 degrees, last for several minutes, was 5.5 degrees.

For ages earthquake sizes, access the link below:

According to information collected The commune of Pichidegua was hit hard by the recent earthquake on Saturday, February 27, resulting in severe damage to old adobe houses, ranging from structural damage to total collapse, including homes of relatives and friends of the locations Larmahue, Viceparroquia, Lo Argentina, Santa Amelia, El Salto, among others. And also the damage to old buildings such as the church of Santa Amelia, however, the courageous people of my homeland, with the aid of fellow citizens who know and love our land, go forward. Nearby

the situation is similar, no official figures, but from what I gathered with friends and family, now totaling fatalities suffered landslides product.

Pichidegua want to get ahead ... Pichidegua can get ahead ... but we need your help ...

We are not indifferent to the situation in other towns, villages or cities, but today, you also need.

For those who are willing or able to help our people, enter this link:

My most heartfelt condolences to those Family and friends of our neighbors died product of this tragedy.



Monday, January 25, 2010

Blood And Puss Ear Infection

Rodeo Rodeo Santa Amelia

Well, this weekend was Rodeo de Santa Amelia, who ran as he had planned earlier, the result? To say, is still bad, but improving on the previous, with 7 being bad at all, and is the best race with 1 bad ... have to keep practicing ... it's much harder than I thought at first, influence from the bull that touches you, to work with the horses the previous days .... This time it was with new partner, Ivan Gonzalez, who is working and running the Pincoya (bay mare), I ran into cock (horse mulatto) .... Despite the outcome, just happy I did well the first herd bull, defend it when it was my turn for the next hope we get out with some good points ...

Family Day, very delicious lunch at the ramada, so good ... I leave here some pictures ..

Until next time ...