nervous system (brain and spinal cord) of the creature can be detected from week 4 of gestation. The division of the two hemispheres of the brain and cerebral fluid flow (Cerebral Spinal fliud) to the brain and spinal cord have been apparent for weeks. A restriction in the flow of this fluid may cause a condition called Hydrocephalus (abnormal growth of the head due to fluid accumulation) that can be detected in this week through an ultrasound today and treated internally in the womb.
On the other hand, your gut is still developing slowly, bends, stretches, positions and also see the appendix.
The meconium, a thick, begins to fill your gut. From now on, if you will be well placed and allowed to see, you may already know with an ultrasound sex of your baby.
are now visible two ears, one on each side of his head. Over the next few days will begin training the vernix caseosa, or vernix that will coat your skin, protecting it as protecting the developing glands and sensory cells. The vernix is \u200b\u200bmade up of dead cells, sebum from the sebaceous glands in the skin of small and lanugo. His whole body is almost covered by the vernix.
On the other hand, your gut is still developing slowly, bends, stretches, positions and also see the appendix.
The meconium, a thick, begins to fill your gut. From now on, if you will be well placed and allowed to see, you may already know with an ultrasound sex of your baby.
are now visible two ears, one on each side of his head. Over the next few days will begin training the vernix caseosa, or vernix that will coat your skin, protecting it as protecting the developing glands and sensory cells. The vernix is \u200b\u200bmade up of dead cells, sebum from the sebaceous glands in the skin of small and lanugo. His whole body is almost covered by the vernix.
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