Increased levels of progesterone prepare the uterus to support a fertilized egg. While all this happens, the ovaries begin to mature eggs in fluid-filled sacs called follicles. During this time you may notice when you are ovulating, you can feel the stitches in the side of his abdomen. Normally this is an indicator of ovulation, with the tenderness of their breasts. When the eggs are ready for fertilization, they are released from the follicles to begin your day in the fallopian tubes where they can meet the sperm of her dreams.
The sperm must be able to travel up through your reproductive tract, through your cervical mucus in the uterus, and through her fallopian tubes to reach the egg. Sperm must be able to complete the time within forty-eight hours or sperm will no longer be viable. If this does not happen and their eggs are fertilized during this time your uterus will begin to convert the monthly bleeding. As a result you start to menstruate and the cycle begins again.

When it reaches the uterus, this group of cells and reaches 32 and is called a morula. One week after fertilization, there are 250 cells.
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