Tuesday, December 13, 2005

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Fifth Week of Pregnancy (5 pregnancy week five)

His little heart is developed inside the head and has eyes and soon form their limbs. You will notice early symptoms of pregnancy. In this week will measure 0.2 mm to reach 1.5 mm long

is forming the spinal cord and brain. The brain continues to develop until the child is 18 months. It is also beginning to form the ears. In the mother, was "delayed" menstruation and begins to think she might be pregnant. Her breasts are slightly swollen and sore.

At the end of the fifth week the head continues to increase in size to accommodate the rapid growth of the brain. The arms and legs are becoming more and more like an appearance at birth.

Also in this fifth week of gestation there 42 to 44 pairs of somites and their numbers used to calculate the approximate age of an embryo between 20 and 30 days old.

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Fourth Week of Pregnancy (4 week four pregnancy)

The embryo is less than a millimeter, but still does not look like a human. Only a disc consists of three layers of cells which will lead to different body tissues.
The innermost layer (endoderm) will form the respiratory and digestive systems. The middle layer (mesoderm,) will form the bones, most of the muscles, cartilage, sexual organs, kidneys and circulatory system. The outer layer (ectoderm) develop skin, hair and the system nervous.
This disc is folded to resemble a tube with two bumps at the ends, one of which will be the baby's head.
central nervous system, heart, skeleton and muscles are in their earliest stage of development.

This week, the heart becomes bigger and begins to pump blood. The head of the embryo is very large compared to the rest of the body. Has a tail that gradually shrinks until it disappears in the next three weeks. Appear also the beginning of the arms. Also the legs appear a little later, while the eyes and ears.

At the beginning of the fourth week, the cells that form the somites are modified, forming a tissue called connective tissue, which arise later cartilage-forming cells (chondroblasts), bone (osteoblasts) and supporting tissues (fibroblasts). Also give rise to the myotomes (which will be derived muscle) and dermatomal (of which will form the dermis and subcutaneous tissue).

At the end of the fourth week, the head is easily recognized, which already has a rudimentary brain, begin to recognize also the arms and legs. That emotion caudno

a mother knows that if a child is developing slowly, encourage and is giving love ...

Wednesday, December 7, 2005

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Third Week of Pregnancy (3 week three pregnancy)

Last week, the fertilized egg has divided into hundreds of cells and is now called a blastocyst. The blastocyst is hollow and filled with fluid, if now he could see inside your uterus, would hardly be visible.

Around the third week (usually between 4 and 7), the blastocyst is implanted in the endometrium, the lining of the uterus. Implantation in the uterus is an essential connection, the endometrium will provide nutrients to the developing embryo and eliminate waste. Over time, this implantation site will become the placenta. During pregnancy, the placenta nourishes and protects your developing baby.

already spent a week after fertilization. The blastocyst begins to secrete hormones that prevent your body from releasing the endometrial tissue in the uterus, so you may see that you had your period.

Adequate intake of vitamins, especially folic acid, protein, calcium and iron is essential for nourishing your baby. A folic acid supplement, which, ideally, will have been taking since before conception is particularly important because folic acid helps prevent neural tube defects (head, vertebral column and related structures) formed very early in pregnancy. If not consumed folic acid before please do not be alarmed, consult your doctor who will reset you some extra insurance.

protein intake, which is used to create new tissue, should be doubled during pregnancy should eat at least 60 grams per day. In addition, calcium is needed, at least 1,200 milligrams, for the development of bones and teeth, so be sure to eat a good amount of dairy products, leafy green vegetables. Iron is essential during pregnancy and supporting the continued growth of your baby's blood volume.

Below some anatomy the third week of pregnancy:
invagination of ectodermal cells continues and begin to migrate into the lamina procordal, forming a tube-like extension, called a notochord extension (precursor of the intervertebral discs). In the trilaminar disc flow will form the cloacal membrane (precursor of the year). In addition, they form a small tube, called a duct neuroentérico.

The embryonic disk, which is the initial stage is flat and round, gradually becomes longer and longer for the eighteenth day has a broad head end a narrow caudal end. At this stage, growth occurs mainly embryonic disc in the head region.

Monday, December 5, 2005

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Second Week pregnancy (2 week two pregnancy)

His second week of pregnancy your body is now very busy. Your uterus is preparing for the arrival of their baby. During the second week, their estrogen aunmenta at this time sending a message to your uterus to prepare for a future pregnancy. Your uterus will form a lining which is rich in blood for the egg to implant and start growing the placenta to nourish your baby.

Increased levels of progesterone prepare the uterus to support a fertilized egg. While all this happens, the ovaries begin to mature eggs in fluid-filled sacs called follicles. During this time you may notice when you are ovulating, you can feel the stitches in the side of his abdomen. Normally this is an indicator of ovulation, with the tenderness of their breasts. When the eggs are ready for fertilization, they are released from the follicles to begin your day in the fallopian tubes where they can meet the sperm of her dreams.

The sperm must be able to travel up through your reproductive tract, through your cervical mucus in the uterus, and through her fallopian tubes to reach the egg. Sperm must be able to complete the time within forty-eight hours or sperm will no longer be viable. If this does not happen and their eggs are fertilized during this time your uterus will begin to convert the monthly bleeding. As a result you start to menstruate and the cycle begins again.

"Pink or blue? The sex of your baby is determined at the time of fertilization, which occurs at the end of the week. Of the 46 chromosomes that make up your baby's genetic material, two chromosomes, one sperm and one egg, determine the sex of the baby. Each egg has an X chromosome sperm may have an X chromosome or a Y chromosome If the sperm has a X chromosome, have a child, if the sperm has a Y chromosome, your baby will be male.

While your baby was conceived, and is working a lot. The fertilized egg goes a process of division. Thirty hours after fertilization, divides into two cells, then four, then eight and continues to divide as you travel from the fallopian tubes to the uterus.
When it reaches the uterus, this group of cells and reaches 32 and is called a morula. One week after fertilization, there are 250 cells.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

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First Week of Pregnancy (1 week one pregnancy)

With each cycle start to grow several follicles of which only one will expel the egg from the ovary during ovulation. This is captured and taken to the fallopian tubes. Of the millions of sperm ejaculated, only one of them is able to penetrate and fertilize the egg. The resulting cell is called a zygote, which contains the DNA of the mother and father. The zygote begins to divide and after 3 or 4 days, become a cluster of cells called the blastocyst, which after 3 days will nest in the uterus.

who would say that this tiny group of cells and is a new life and the most beautiful of all is that this new being is yours ... Happiness and more satisfaction in the world is that of being a mom, so make yourself very lucky that it started to care for and feed a new being, cares very much for your health so you will not do anything to harm your unborn baby. Ama

much your new vidita since in spite of being so tiny you feel everything you feel, so do not cry or feel overwhelmed and will transmit it to the baby. Many

extitos and congratulations again.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

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Tips About Pregnancy Symptoms

After verifying that you are pregnant, right through the various examinations and tests is time to take care a lot and lead a healthy life as possible as you take care of the little one you carry in your wind tre.

Stop drinking alcohol, stop smoking, and definitely not take any drugs other than prescribed by your doctor, you should even be careful about taking vitamins and nutritional supplements. If you are taking medication you should tell your doctor to see if it could cause damage to your pregnancy.

Also avoid drinking cold things or at least talk to your doctor, mension this in my pregnancy that prevents any liquid and frozen food for fear that my future baby has breathing problems, but like all human beings are different and different like our bodies is best to consult with specialists. Here you'll know

as your baby develops travez time.

Prepare for snacks and baby shower (the shower), you'll see that everything will be like a dream and it's so wonderful being a mother.

Follow step by step development of your child ...

Saturday, November 12, 2005

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Below a few characteristics of the most common symptoms of pregnancy, with estainformación maybe you can answer your question ... How do I know if I'm pregnant? If you have more than four or five of them go to Realise a pregnancy test.

Absence of menstrual period:
This can occur in the absence of pregnancy, the menstrual cycle process may be affected because of certain diseases, after an emotional shock or even a change of lifestyle. Increased

If you notice that the temperature, instead of falling, remains above 37 ° C at the end of the cycle and your period does not arrive, chances are you're pregnant.

Tension in the breasts:
For many women is the true sign of pregnancy. From the first days after conception, your breasts are preparing for what will be a very important function in feeding. For that increase in size and appear tense, as you may notice the veins. Much

Hormonal changes that occur from the moment of conception cause excessive relaxation resulting in an increased need for sleep. This state of fatigue that pregnant women do spend more time sleeping and resting, which is very good for the stage of pregnancy.

Darkening of areolas:
The skin around your nipples. The bumps of the areola (called Montgomery's tubercles) may look more prominent. These changes occur gradually during the first weeks of pregnancy as your breasts prepare to produce milk.

These are caused by hormonal changes in the body. Food cravings experienced, usually during the first quarter. Other research says that cravings arise, since it lacks more protein, vitamin or food craving.

Frequent urination:
It is caused by increased body fluid volume and pressure of growing uterus. Begins, usually six to eight weeks after conception.

Caused by high levels of the hormone progesterone and the increase of energy by the body as the fetus develops. Fatigue usually occurs during the first quarter.

dark line from navel to pubis:
In pregnancy, hormones stimulate the melanin in the skin and produce more pigment. Therefore, in the center of the abdomen begins to appear a dark line running from the navel to the pubis. The line becomes darker and can get to be almost black.