Ya tiene pelo en la cabeza, pestañas y sus párpados están cerrados ya que están pegados.
Su tamaño es aproximadamente de 16 cm and weighs 135 gr.
His lungs have not finished form. Since the body is more slow to do so. Do not work as an organ of respiration, and they will not even be born, and that oxygen comes through the placenta, which is acting as a giant oxygen tank, and the umbilical cord, bypassing the lungs. But they do produce pseudomovimientos respiratory whose mission is to practice as soon as the baby rears its head in this world your lungs to expand. What it does have it's own bloodstream, at this time your heart pumps the equivalent of 25 liters of blood per day. Throughout this week your little one will grow very quickly. Your weight will increase sixfold during the fourth month of pregnancy, but will not reach even a quarter of a kilo. In umbilical cord knots are hard and tends to stay straight when the fetus moves. However, if the baby's movements are very active, there is the possibility of knot formation, especially in twin pregnancies.
Their movements are broad as they are helped by the amniotic fluid that surrounds it. This way you can exercise your muscles. In no time, you start to feel it!.
At this time, an ultrasound may provide that all bodies are perfectly healthy and if you want out of sex.
From this point the dosage in your blood alpha-fetoprotein, a protein baby significantly increases or decreases when there are problems, you can calm down about it is completely alright.