Monday, July 10, 2006

Setting Brookstone Travel Lock

Decimo cuarta Semana de Embarazo ( 14 semana catorce embarazo)

arguably his body is like a baby to term but much smaller. He even has own fingerprints and urine because their kidneys are working.

Does your baby have a luxuriant head of hair, or just a few hairs? This week they develop hair and eyebrows. The lanugo, a fine hairs growing on the baby's body and protect the skin, also grows out of this week and will continue to grow until shortly before delivery.

This week also occur in the reproductive development. In men develops prostate cancer. In girls, the ovaries descend from the abdomen to the pelvis. In addition, the baby starts to produce hormones this week because the thyroid gland has matured. Now the baby weighs about 25 grams (0.9 ounces) and measures from 80 to 113 mm (3.2 to 4.5 inches).

My Dog Drags Her Back Legs

Decimo tercera Semana de Embarazo (13 semana trece embarazo)

The baby is beginning a period in which increase rapidly in weight and grow. Now is 2 ½ to 3 inches long and weighs about ½ to ¾ ounce. In the next two weeks, your weight will double. The ears and eyes are moving to permanent sites. Have already appeared the 27 bones of the hand. Soon the baby will start sucking.
The baby has bone structure and now no longer an embryo but a fetus. Moreover, the chorion becomes the placenta. The midgut, which was outside the baby's body, enters the abdominal cavity. The baby's abdominal wall having formed close and navel, where it enters the cord.