Thursday, March 2, 2006

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Decimo segunda Semana de Embarazo (12 semana doce embarazo)

At 12 weeks, your body is fully formed, their bodies are already working and can feel pain.

probably already feel better, usually from start to disappear this week dizziness and nausea.

The uterus and measured 10 centimeters and rises into the abdominal cavity.

may perceive as a dark line in the center of your abdomen, called a black line. This line will be during the pregnancy and will fade gradually after birth

The movement increases and the fetus moves his body and downs. You can also hear a voice. The skin is transparent and pink. The umbilical cord is now sufficiently heavy to carry nutrients from mother to fetus, as well as toxins and poisons from the smoke of snuff, alcohol and other drugs. The umbilical cord continues to grow and the placenta is fully formed. The fetus weighs about five ounces and measures approximately 4 to 5 inches in length. Keep watching over

much as before, and little chance you can lose the baby, remember that if you have adequate food and a healthy life without cigarettes and alcoholic drinks your baby will be born without problems.

Dry Throat At Evening

Decimo primera Semana Pregnancy (11 weeks pregnant eleven)

Rejoice as the eleven weeks, the fetus is already fully formed.

Also in this week may notes that the hair and nails will grow faster than before pregnancy, many pregnant women have commented that better than ever.

During this stage increases the blood circulation in your body and can suffer from lack of potassium cramp.

The fetus will grow about 5 to 10 cm during the fourth month. His weight at this time is about 20 g. The face develops very quickly and around 11 or 12 weeks is beginning to have human traits. The organs and organ systems are increasingly interconnected, and the brain and brain vesicles begin to play an important role.

The placenta is so well developed that all the hormones necessary for pregnancy are now made up of cells.