Thursday, February 2, 2006

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tenth week of pregnancy (10 weeks tenth pregnancy)

The head is well formed, during this period, the eyelids begin to form and triples the number of nerve and muscle connections starting to react to stimuli. Start

swallow some amniotic fluid that excreted as urine because their kidneys are already operating. Around the tenth and twelfth week will be the first nails and hair will come early.

Now you can identify the sex, even though the gynecologist is not viewable by ultrasound until a few weeks later. All organs are already present but continue to grow during the remainder of the pregnancy.

Safe Plants To Decorate Iguana Cages With

ninth week of pregnancy (9 week nine embararazo)

In the ninth week, the baby is called a fetus. Starts to move, but the mother is still not aware of such movements. They form the knees. During this period, are all major organs like the lungs, kidneys, liver, among others. They also begin to develop the bones. The mother noted sensitivity in their gums and their skin is more or less greasy than normal. More water circulates in the blood and she begins to feel "chubby."

This moment is very important because you must heal your teeth and gums to prevent any infection, because by the decay or gum disease can have serious problems, it is best to avoid them so you see your dentist.

in the amniotic sac where her baby starts to form the amniotic fluid whose primary function is to offset any potential blow or jolt to the mother, a kind of personal shock. Well

is very close to you start to feel your baby's movements carefully estate as well the persiviras easier.