Monday, January 23, 2006

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eighth week of pregnancy (8 semena eight pregnancies)

In the eighth week, the fingers are beginning to form, the arms can flex at the elbows and wrists. Furthermore, more developments are occurring facial and the formation of the tip of the nose and upper lip and the skin flaps over the eyes begin to take shape of the eyelids. The blood begins to flow through a rudimentary circulatory system and digestive tract continues to grow, especially the intestines.
The early buds that develop on your baby's genitals appear this week. Finally
sketches have appeared ear canal and outer ear.
is wonderful to know how that goes desarroalndo little being inside you, go ahead and Give them lots of love.

Friday, January 6, 2006

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seventh week of pregnancy (7 Week Seven pregnancy)

La cabeza es enorme en relación al resto del cuerpo. El corazón late muy rápido y ya tiene cuatro cavidades. Los bronquios comienzan a desarrollarse en los pulmones.

Los párpados del bebé se han formado y están fusionados. Se abrirán alrededor de las 26 semanas. Las costillas están creciendo en torno a los delicados órganos internos. Los brazos, piernas y dedos se ven claramente, se asemejan a aletas y casi ha desaparecido la cola que se veía en las semanas anteriores. El bebé ahora tiene alrededor de 1 pulgada de largo de la coronilla a las nalgas.

También se están terminando de formar las gónadas y, a lo largo de la próxima semana, se convertirán in their testes or ovaries, as is to be the sex of your baby.

From this week your baby will begin to make spontaneous movements as they progress through the connections between his brain and small muscles and nerves, yet you can not receive, because your baby is too small and rarely comes into contact with uterine wall, on the other hand, in their movements involved only a true force.

Tuesday, January 3, 2006

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sixth week of pregnancy (6 pregnancy week six)

During the sixth week, fingers start to grow, there are elbows and knees, and also begins to distinguish the nose. The sex of the embryo is still not identifiable.

The embryo is rudimentary eyes and ears, brain, you can start looking at the facial features and a heart that beats longer. The tiny sprouts arms and legs begin to appear and the blood circulation starts.

You may be feeling sick in the morning and may need to urinate more often than usual.

The embryo adopts a very similar way to its final form, only in very small size yet.