Thursday, November 9, 2006

What Is The Correct Way To Masterbate

Decimo sexta semana de embarazo ( 16 semana diesiseis embarazo )

Your baby is 14 weeks old, measures about 12 cm. and weighs about 150 grams.
his head and looks more proportionate to your body. r. The retinal na is sensitive to light and, if you opened your eyes could see. His whole body is covered with fuzz called lanugo, which falls off when the time of birth. But more significant is that you can already feel how it moves within you is stirred slightly, as a fluttering butterfly.
Finally he will form the pads of your fingers and toes. It has also started to accumulate meconium (first waste material produced by the fetus, the feces of the womb) in your gut. This material is the product of cell loss, digestive secretions and swallowing of amniotic fluid, and results from the practices of digestion while the baby is still in the womb. The auricle
migrate to their final position and most of his bones have started to become stronger. To this point if your baby is a boy will have initiated the development of the prostate. Will also have begun the process of myelination. Myelination include the coating of the nerves with a fatty substance called myelin, which helps speed the transmission of nerve impulses and also insulates nerves, so that messages are never interrupted.
Her skin is translucent and transparency may be their bodies.
begins to perceive light and make some movements with his chest, which are precursors of breathing exercise. Perhaps
tenga uno o más análisis prenatales esta semana, como el análisis de detección del suero materno. Lo más probable es que este análisis de sangre (también llamado “Prueba triple”) la tranquilice de que el bebé no tiene ciertos defectos de nacimiento como las anomalías del tubo neural o el síndrome de Down. En esta etapa también se realiza la amniocentesis.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

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Decimo quinta semana de embarazo ( 15 semana quince embarazo )

Al bebe ya comienza a crecerle pelo en todo su cuerpo. Se llama lanugo, desaparecerá después del nacimiento.
Ya tiene pelo en la cabeza, pestañas y sus párpados están cerrados ya que están pegados.
Su tamaño es aproximadamente de 16 cm and weighs 135 gr.

His lungs have not finished form. Since the body is more slow to do so. Do not work as an organ of respiration, and they will not even be born, and that oxygen comes through the placenta, which is acting as a giant oxygen tank, and the umbilical cord, bypassing the lungs. But they do produce pseudomovimientos respiratory whose mission is to practice as soon as the baby rears its head in this world your lungs to expand. What it does have it's own bloodstream, at this time your heart pumps the equivalent of 25 liters of blood per day. Throughout this week your little one will grow very quickly. Your weight will increase sixfold during the fourth month of pregnancy, but will not reach even a quarter of a kilo. In umbilical cord knots are hard and tends to stay straight when the fetus moves. However, if the baby's movements are very active, there is the possibility of knot formation, especially in twin pregnancies.
Their movements are broad as they are helped by the amniotic fluid that surrounds it. This way you can exercise your muscles. In no time, you start to feel it!.
At this time, an ultrasound may provide that all bodies are perfectly healthy and if you want out of sex.
From this point the dosage in your blood alpha-fetoprotein, a protein baby significantly increases or decreases when there are problems, you can calm down about it is completely alright.

Monday, July 10, 2006

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Decimo cuarta Semana de Embarazo ( 14 semana catorce embarazo)

arguably his body is like a baby to term but much smaller. He even has own fingerprints and urine because their kidneys are working.

Does your baby have a luxuriant head of hair, or just a few hairs? This week they develop hair and eyebrows. The lanugo, a fine hairs growing on the baby's body and protect the skin, also grows out of this week and will continue to grow until shortly before delivery.

This week also occur in the reproductive development. In men develops prostate cancer. In girls, the ovaries descend from the abdomen to the pelvis. In addition, the baby starts to produce hormones this week because the thyroid gland has matured. Now the baby weighs about 25 grams (0.9 ounces) and measures from 80 to 113 mm (3.2 to 4.5 inches).

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Decimo tercera Semana de Embarazo (13 semana trece embarazo)

The baby is beginning a period in which increase rapidly in weight and grow. Now is 2 ½ to 3 inches long and weighs about ½ to ¾ ounce. In the next two weeks, your weight will double. The ears and eyes are moving to permanent sites. Have already appeared the 27 bones of the hand. Soon the baby will start sucking.
The baby has bone structure and now no longer an embryo but a fetus. Moreover, the chorion becomes the placenta. The midgut, which was outside the baby's body, enters the abdominal cavity. The baby's abdominal wall having formed close and navel, where it enters the cord.

Thursday, March 2, 2006

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Decimo segunda Semana de Embarazo (12 semana doce embarazo)

At 12 weeks, your body is fully formed, their bodies are already working and can feel pain.

probably already feel better, usually from start to disappear this week dizziness and nausea.

The uterus and measured 10 centimeters and rises into the abdominal cavity.

may perceive as a dark line in the center of your abdomen, called a black line. This line will be during the pregnancy and will fade gradually after birth

The movement increases and the fetus moves his body and downs. You can also hear a voice. The skin is transparent and pink. The umbilical cord is now sufficiently heavy to carry nutrients from mother to fetus, as well as toxins and poisons from the smoke of snuff, alcohol and other drugs. The umbilical cord continues to grow and the placenta is fully formed. The fetus weighs about five ounces and measures approximately 4 to 5 inches in length. Keep watching over

much as before, and little chance you can lose the baby, remember that if you have adequate food and a healthy life without cigarettes and alcoholic drinks your baby will be born without problems.

Dry Throat At Evening

Decimo primera Semana Pregnancy (11 weeks pregnant eleven)

Rejoice as the eleven weeks, the fetus is already fully formed.

Also in this week may notes that the hair and nails will grow faster than before pregnancy, many pregnant women have commented that better than ever.

During this stage increases the blood circulation in your body and can suffer from lack of potassium cramp.

The fetus will grow about 5 to 10 cm during the fourth month. His weight at this time is about 20 g. The face develops very quickly and around 11 or 12 weeks is beginning to have human traits. The organs and organ systems are increasingly interconnected, and the brain and brain vesicles begin to play an important role.

The placenta is so well developed that all the hormones necessary for pregnancy are now made up of cells.

Thursday, February 2, 2006

How To Dress Up Bob Haircut

tenth week of pregnancy (10 weeks tenth pregnancy)

The head is well formed, during this period, the eyelids begin to form and triples the number of nerve and muscle connections starting to react to stimuli. Start

swallow some amniotic fluid that excreted as urine because their kidneys are already operating. Around the tenth and twelfth week will be the first nails and hair will come early.

Now you can identify the sex, even though the gynecologist is not viewable by ultrasound until a few weeks later. All organs are already present but continue to grow during the remainder of the pregnancy.

Safe Plants To Decorate Iguana Cages With

ninth week of pregnancy (9 week nine embararazo)

In the ninth week, the baby is called a fetus. Starts to move, but the mother is still not aware of such movements. They form the knees. During this period, are all major organs like the lungs, kidneys, liver, among others. They also begin to develop the bones. The mother noted sensitivity in their gums and their skin is more or less greasy than normal. More water circulates in the blood and she begins to feel "chubby."

This moment is very important because you must heal your teeth and gums to prevent any infection, because by the decay or gum disease can have serious problems, it is best to avoid them so you see your dentist.

in the amniotic sac where her baby starts to form the amniotic fluid whose primary function is to offset any potential blow or jolt to the mother, a kind of personal shock. Well

is very close to you start to feel your baby's movements carefully estate as well the persiviras easier.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Can Female Doctors Comment On Penis

eighth week of pregnancy (8 semena eight pregnancies)

In the eighth week, the fingers are beginning to form, the arms can flex at the elbows and wrists. Furthermore, more developments are occurring facial and the formation of the tip of the nose and upper lip and the skin flaps over the eyes begin to take shape of the eyelids. The blood begins to flow through a rudimentary circulatory system and digestive tract continues to grow, especially the intestines.
The early buds that develop on your baby's genitals appear this week. Finally
sketches have appeared ear canal and outer ear.
is wonderful to know how that goes desarroalndo little being inside you, go ahead and Give them lots of love.

Friday, January 6, 2006

Love Making Images Line Art

seventh week of pregnancy (7 Week Seven pregnancy)

La cabeza es enorme en relación al resto del cuerpo. El corazón late muy rápido y ya tiene cuatro cavidades. Los bronquios comienzan a desarrollarse en los pulmones.

Los párpados del bebé se han formado y están fusionados. Se abrirán alrededor de las 26 semanas. Las costillas están creciendo en torno a los delicados órganos internos. Los brazos, piernas y dedos se ven claramente, se asemejan a aletas y casi ha desaparecido la cola que se veía en las semanas anteriores. El bebé ahora tiene alrededor de 1 pulgada de largo de la coronilla a las nalgas.

También se están terminando de formar las gónadas y, a lo largo de la próxima semana, se convertirán in their testes or ovaries, as is to be the sex of your baby.

From this week your baby will begin to make spontaneous movements as they progress through the connections between his brain and small muscles and nerves, yet you can not receive, because your baby is too small and rarely comes into contact with uterine wall, on the other hand, in their movements involved only a true force.

Tuesday, January 3, 2006

How To Un- Remove An Event On Facebook

sixth week of pregnancy (6 pregnancy week six)

During the sixth week, fingers start to grow, there are elbows and knees, and also begins to distinguish the nose. The sex of the embryo is still not identifiable.

The embryo is rudimentary eyes and ears, brain, you can start looking at the facial features and a heart that beats longer. The tiny sprouts arms and legs begin to appear and the blood circulation starts.

You may be feeling sick in the morning and may need to urinate more often than usual.

The embryo adopts a very similar way to its final form, only in very small size yet.